There are a lot of different sections in this wiki. This page is meant to help explain what each is used for and give you a better understanding of where you should put documents that you create.
- Terms and Acronyms is self-explanatory, simply a list of acronyms used across the team that new members can access to easily understand what terms being thrown around mean.
- General Technical Knowledge is meant to hold any technical information that might be important to more than a single subteam. This can include information like how to access team licenses, information about general hardware principles like communication protocols, commonly used tools like DMMs, guides on how to use software tools like Git and Altium, details on thermals and orbital mechanics information that all teams should know, etc.
- Introduction to CubeSats is a high level introduction to what CubeSats are. It’s an onboarding document for new members.
- Architectures Hub is a centralized place for members to be able to read about and understand the technical architectures of the subteams. This means hardware and software block diagrams, CONOPS, operational modes, and a central document that “explains the subsystem” in its current state from front to back, as well as why certain major technical decisions were made (excluding parts selection).
- Subsystem Wikis holds detailed technical information relevant only to those subsystems. This includes investigations into technical concepts, tradeoff documents between parts and decisions, and more.
- Integration Documentation is a list of documents pertaining to CubeSat integration plans, testing procedures and results from FlatSat/EM/FM integration, and other technical integration related things. It includes things like the ICD, mass budget, layout restrictions, and more.
- Tips Hub is a centralized place where candid lessons learned through competition cycles are kept.
- Miscellaneous is for anything not covered by the above sections.
- Trackers Hub has a list of trackers like budgets, educational outreach, FMEA matrices, contacts lists, and more.
- Standards & Workflows Hub contains documents explaining workflows on how to do electrical design on the team, use git, and other things. It also includes standards for documentation, software, and more. This page also includes templates for things like testing reports.
- Management Documentation includes mangement and leads related documentation, like risk matrices, PM plans, and team financing models.
- Safety explains what trainings need to be completed to be on the team, information about the safety captain, and the team’s safety manual.