Date of Test: DD/MM/YYYY

Subteam(s) Involved: Comms, Mech

Key Individuals Involved: Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname


Explain the purpose of the test being performed.

Test Procedure

Explain the process you used to take your measurements (both qualitative and quantitative). If complicated equipment is involved, create a separate document explaining how the equipment works and link it under General Technical Knowledge or Subsystem Wikis.


Include a checklist here, explaining the key qualitative and quantitative things you want to be able to see to deem a test successful. Try to describe the metrics in as much detail (see the example below, which includes information like deviance and time). After performing the test, check off items to indicate whether specific metrics have been met or not.


If the results were not as expected, include an explanation here for why you think things went wrong, and how you figured out what went wrong.

Action Items

Explain, in bullet points, what you will do to