Due to the importance of P0/P1 tickets, anyone working on a P0/P1 ticket is expected to provide detail updates on their progress in mid-week updates and meetings, and will have a hard deadline given upon receiving the task. Otherwise, the task will be reassigned to someone else to ensure completion in a timely manner


P0 tasks are extremely important bugs/features that have an impact on the whole system and are crucial for having functional firmware, so they should be completed as soon as possible.


P1 tickets are bugs/features that are essential for having functional or space-ready firmware, but do not impact the whole system or block a significant amount of work compared to P0


P2 tickets are tasks that should be completed eventually for space-ready firmware but are not necessarily essential for being functional and/or are not a major blocker for other tasks so they are not as time-sensitive


P3 tasks are usually improvement/optimization or verification tickets that should eventually be completed or are things that might be worth looking into but are not essential for being space-ready


P4 means that the ticket’s priority has not yet been determined