General Requirements
ADCS Specific Requirements
The coordinate system for the Selfie-Cam operations shall have the Z+ axis towards geodetic nadir, the X+ axis in the orbital velocity direction, and the Y+ axis completing the right-hand axis system.
The Space-Selfie camera shall be able to be pointed up to 25 degrees off-nadir in the roll axis; the nominal pitch and yaw for Selfie-Cam operations shall be zero degrees.
The spacecraft attitude shall be controlled (3σ) to an angle no greater than one-quarter of the Space-Selfie camera's along-track and across-track Field-of-View angles.
For example, at 400km altitude an across-track Field-of-View of 6.0° (full angle) would require across-track attitude control of ≤ 1.5°, in order to ensure that, in the worst cast attitude control situation, the targeted image center point will still be in the image.
The Attitude Determination subsystem shall be designed so that it is tolerant to at least one attitude sensor failure, and will maintain at least a degraded state of performance.