- person 1 - wrote up requirements, person 2 - made a winding mechanism, person 3- wrote code/made arduino circuit and printed parts, Ryan- tried to put the pieces together.
- Circuit was not correct - there was not enough power to the motors for the winding mechanism (should have been documented)
- Not sure if power diagrams were updated
- They tried doubling the voltage to the motor driver circuit
- Arduino code did run, Ryan attempted to put the 3d parts together
- Arduino code did have a bug - pins might have been incorrect
- 3D parts didn’t properly fit with the magnetorquer - physical specs didn’t line up with how it should fit in the satellite (ex. diameter)
- The mounts holding it were not precise enough, the collet (for the motor) only had 2 screws, ideally it would have 3, a lot of shaking occured, block on the other end
- Iron core was likely bought and machined down
- Mech team changed specs close to the end - need to start there
- Magnetorquer should have been machined to spec, into winding mech, then into satellite
- Coil should be fed left to right
- Another motor was involved with the led screw - it was attached to the motor and it spin around. A box was attached on top which was attached to a rail. It caused the box to move left to right and that allowed you to move along the core
- Talk to mechanical about weight constraints too, and size, and doing 3 magnetorquers for each axis
- powering, keeping collets while in the satellite as well “couple collets size to cubesat mount”
- also ask them about the shoulders
- tension needs to be kept constant!! This was a challenge based on how the coil is packaged, T needs to remain the same.
- Adding friction might work
- we had different copper wire grades, wanted the thicker one but it got too wide to fit inside the cubesat. This needs to be considered along with thickness.
- thin wires have the heat problem though
- Currently no way to test it - this plan will need to be developed
- May need multiple layers of winding?