Obtained from https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~ee127/sp21/livebook/def_epi.html

Function $f:\R^n \rightarrow \R$ and has 4 relevant sets:

$$ G(f) \coloneqq \{(x, f(x)) \in \R^{n+1} : x \in \R^n \} $$

$$ \mathbf{epi} f \coloneqq \{ (x, t) \in \R^{n+1} : x \in \R^n, t \geq f(x) \} $$

Graph (blue line) and epigraph (blue line and light blue region) of function with 1-dimensional mapping) over a domain of -1 to 1

Graph (blue line) and epigraph (blue line and light blue region) of function with 1-dimensional mapping) over a domain of -1 to 1