Provide a quick guide on the following:
- How to download and install UniFlash and Minicom on Linux
- How to get output using Minicom on Linux
Download and installation of UniFlash
- Go to this website
and scroll down to Downloads
then on the right there will be a Download options
and click it
- Scroll down until you find
UniFlash Linux Installer
, click it and download. It should download a file ending with .run
- Open up a terminal and navigate to your Downloads directory or wherever this file was installed
- Change this file permission by running
chmod u+x {file}
where {file}
is replaced with the downloaded file name (make sure you have the appropriate permissions to change file permissions)
- Run
- An installer should appear and select Add this application to the desktop or equivalent (You might not be able to find it later if you don’t)
- Go through the installer, selecting any default options
- If all goes well, UniFlash should be installed, otherwise, try again from a previous step such as Step 5
Installing and configuring Minicom
- This website provides an in-depth guide on using and setting up Minicom:
- Installation:
- Install dependency:
sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0
- Link the dependency:
sudo ln -sf /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
- Open up a terminal and run
sudo apt-get install minicom
- You should be able run
to print all in-use USB ports
- Search for the USB port:
dmesg | grep -i "tty"
and select the same one that should be displayed in the UniFlash application