The motor selected for the first iteration flatsat and second iteration compsat is the Faulhaber Series 1512U003SR 6:1. This particular DC motor was chosen for its ability to satisfy the given requirements for torque, voltage and current load. The requirement for torque was a max torque output of 1.2mNm, this motor can run up to a max of 1.4mNm and achieves a torque of 1.2mNm with a current load of 0.487A at 3V. Furthermore, the nominal voltage of the motor is just 3V which works well for our power rails as we can operate our rails on 1.8V, 3V3 and 5V. The only alternatives for these DC motors are all 6V or higher which makes it difficult to have a regulated power supply for it. Additionally, there were weight and dimension considerations during the selection of this motor. Each individual motor only weighs ~4g and the dimensions fit within the defined mech constraints as well (motor is 15x15x12mm). Finally, the motor chosen was brushed because they are simple to use and can operate at a similar performance when compared to brushless DC motors, futhermore the DC motor being brushless wasn’t deemed to be highly important as the motors will only be used for flatsat and compsat iterations and not for the actual flight model.

Just kidding its out of stock ☹️