Magnetorquer Design

The initial magnetorquer design specs are:



A spreadsheet calculator was created using the equations described in the math section. Feel free to tinker with the design.

Important Parameters

As part of a joint effort with the University of Waterloo Hyperloop student design team, a method for efficient production of solenoids and electromagnets is being tested. The following parameters are identified as key parameters in the development of this methodology.

Key Parameters

Effects of Core Selection

Two types of cores are considered, Iron vs. Vacuum cores, when designing a magnetorquer (electromagnet).

Iron is considered to be the best material to use for the core of an electromagnet, due to its high relative permeability, which describes the ability of the material to form magnetic fields. A higher permeability leads to more flux lines passing through the core, thus leading to a stronger magnetic field.

On the other hand, air core magnets are just a coil of wire with no core in the middle.


Equipment Needed: