Function of Component

IMU: An inertial measurement unit (IMU) measures and reports the satellite’s specific force, angular rate, and orientation. It does this using accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers. The IMU is considered one of the “sensors & inputs” in the ADCS architecture. For more information, refer to IMUs

Accelerometer: An accelerometer measures the specific force on or acceleration of the system. Accelerometers are a part of the IMU and so are considered one of the “sensors & inputs”.

Gyroscope: A gyroscope measures the angular rate of the system. Gyroscopes are a part of the IMU and so are considered one of the “sensors & inputs”. For more information, refer to Gyroscopes

Magnetometer: A magnetometer measures the magnetic field surrounding the system. Magnetometers are a part of the IMU and so are considered one of the “sensors & inputs”. For more information, refer to Reaction Wheels

Key Parameters

Selection Criteria