This guide is meant for developers who have a Windows machine. It just lists some tools to install so you can develop firmware for the OBC.
You do not have to follow this guide if you’re comfortable using other tools (IDEs, terminal emulators, etc.).
Download Git from
If you’ve installed everything correctly, you can run git --version
in your Command Prompt or Git Bash (which should’ve been installed as well).
Once Git is set up, clone our repository to your machine.
Download the GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain. It allows us to build executables for the RM46 microcontroller.
Download and extract this zip file to whatever location you want.
You should now have a folder with the following (or very similar) structure:
-> arm-none-eabi
-> bin
-> lib
-> share
At the top level of our repo, create a .env
file. This should be OBC-firmware\\.env
Inside the .env file, add the following line:
CC_FOLDER_ROOT=<absolute path to root_folder_name>
CC_FOLDER_ROOT=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Arm GNU Toolchain arm-none-eabi\\11.2 2022.02
GNU Make is used to make building executables much easier. To install Make for Windows, we’ll be using the Chocolatey package manager. Install it here.
Once it’s installed, open a Command Prompt as an administrator and run choco install make
Run make --version
to verify whether it installed correctly.
We’ll be using VS Code to write the actual firmware. Note: If you’d like to use another IDE (like CLion), feel free to do so.