The information developed in the high-fidelity model was developed using information from Fundamentals of Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control.
- Much of this information can be found under various pages in Simulation Knowledgebase
Simulation Knowledgebase
This is still marked as a draft environment and could be subject to change as better models are developed. This will eventually be the environment where we test our algorithms over multiple simulated days.
- The current time modelling of the system is based on the average number of days in a month
- Gravity-gradient torque is based on a spherical model of the Earth
Current Issues
- Lacking high fidelity models of sensors and actuators based on our proposed hardware
- Reaction wheel and ferromagnetic magnetorquer models are now available → need to be integrated into the simulation
- Actual values for some dynamics components are not updated with current values → can use the CDR values for these
- Missing more comprehensive time-varying environmental effects
- Change in solar radiation
- Eclipse conditions → needs to be integrated into simulation but models are available