- Learn about availaibility of open source ground station software
- Figure out pipelines and strategies used to do orbit propogation and TLE data collection
- Figure out telemetry/command database storage
Not in scope:
- Networking software stack architecture
- Hardware design and parts selection for the RF frontend & antenna
Orbital GS Requirements
- Real-time requirements need to be considered: there should be minimal latency to begin preparing and sending command packets
- Minimize latency by having all the commands ready to go before transmit time
- Tracking algorithm to command antenna rotor to align with satellite
- Also needs to be real-time: either plan out a path or have SGP4 propagator be C++ based
- NORAD TLE & SGP4 propagator algorithm for TLE
- Doppler correction algorithm (GNURadio or an interface with the GNURadio program)
- Remote ground station access, and access from multiple devices
- Software to interface with antenna hardware and controller for RF switch and PAs
- Visualization tool for telemetry
- Overall, seems like OpenMCT is a commonly cited framework for ground station telemetry visualization
- Most of the open source solutions available are not widely adopted, other than OpenMCT and YAMCS
Distributed Ground Station Network For CubeSat Communications