This page is temporarily being stored in Notion and will later be moved to the ICD
- Mission Commands
- MCC uplinks ARO data (has to be encrypted) - 2 options (or send both up for redundancy)
- Longitude and lattitude of ARO
- Time when we will be over the ARO + roll angle for ADCS
- Selfie-sat pass code
- ARO uplinks selfie-sat pass (unencrypted)
- Nothing, just the selfie-sat pass
- QEYnet Mission (encrypted)
- PING command to check if OBC is still connected to laser
- Run mission command → on the next pass, turn on the laser, don't downlink telemetry
- Turn off laser command (maybe mix into EPS commands?)
- Subsystem Direct Emergency Control Commands (encrypted)
- CDH emergency: Command to reboot the OBC (On Board Computer)
- EPS emergency: stop giving power to the payloads/to some subsystem?
- Do we even have this capability? @Shreya Singh @Rakeen Lalani
- Theoretically yes, we have an MCU, but I think we might have to mess with the architecture a bit?
- yes (controlled by CDH) → it is our load switch circuit
- ADCS emergency: satellite spinning out of control → send a manual detumbling command (maybe turn on all the magnetorquers?) (our torquers will always be on lol)
- This command will not be sent by the MCC → it will be integrated into the ADCS code
- Maybe need manual commands to have ADCS point in one direction?
- Other Subsystem Direct Control Commands (encrypted)
- PID fine tuning for ADCS (why do we wanna do our PID fine tuning from the ground? seems like a bad idea → the only point to uplinking and downlinking "telemetry" for ADCS is either going to be the parameters needed to see if our )
- Startup commands (encrypted)
- Any deployments?
- Can't think of any manual ones
- Any firmware updates?
- No
- Should be able to change most things within configuration variables
- How will we update values like PID?
- Update either a configuration file on FRAM (non-volatile memory) or change runtime variables
- TLE data
- Command to get telemetry data (might not need to uplink)
- Nothing specifically for ADCS, EPS
- If we skip a pass, we should report it as an event in downlink data
Next Steps
- Think about actual format of packaging uplink commands
- Specifics of selfie-sat pass structure
- How we will implement encryption