Summary of the rest of the document, outlining main challenges and action items. Ignore the specific technical stuff for now.
- Challenges & Action Items
- Lack of requirements
- Outline requirements before designing something. Keep them as simple as possible; don’t add a requirement if it’s not actually a requirement. This prevents unnecessary work.
- Requirements should be set so that the team goal is accomplished
- Define a specific goal: How long do we want our CubeSat to remain functional in space? What timeline are we shooting for?
- Members wouldn’t take on the “boring” tasks: infrastructure, research, PR reviews, etc.
- Not sure how to handle this
- We sorta need a mindset shift to doing whatever is needed to create a space-ready CubeSat. If we can do that, then ideally, people would start completing these tasks.
- When a PR is made, tag 2-3 specific reviewers on Discord. Publicly tag them again if they don’t review within a certain amount of time. It’d be nice if we could track how many PRs each member has reviewed (there’s probably a GitHub action we could use)
- In-person PR review sessions
- FW and HW deadlines were not met; estimating deadlines was hard.
- More communication about task progress. If a ticket isn’t progressing, hand it off to a more senior member and work up in seniority.
- Break tasks up so deadlines are easier to estimate
- Most members didn’t commit enough time to be given high-priority/”interesting” tasks; major tasks were too vague and open-ended
- Major tasks can become “epics” led by a senior member who handles architecture and breaks the “epic” into sub-tasks. Regular members can be given these sub-tasks.
- The number of active members fluctuated a lot. Some months, we had 10-15 active members, while other months, only the leads and 1-2 members were active.
- Make the onboarding challenge harder (less like a step-by-step guide) so we know members have at least a certain level of commitment
- Level 1 onboarding unlocks level1 tasks. Level 2 onboarding unlocks level2 tasks
- Weekly onboarding help sessions
- Need to start pushing for more commitment from people (4-5h/week)
- Create list of members at beginning of term (push for members to be active throughout the whole term)
- If members want to join later, add them on a case-by-case basis
- Quality over quantity
- Members wouldn’t create their own tickets or ask many questions
- Try to promote asking questions (in public channels) and thinking of stuff we can implement/improve/fix. It requires members to be a bit more proactive about things.
- Ideas
- Monthly technical presentations by sub-team members after they complete a major project. They could be ~5min at the end of a general meeting or something.
- Switch weekly subteam meetings to subteam work sessions (move member updates to being asynchronous)
- Not sure if this would work well with some people being off-campus
General Notes
- Would monthly technical presentations be useful?
- Once a major project is complete, it’d be a good way to provide an update to the rest of the team. These could also be held internally for the sub-team.
- What’s the actual goal for this CubeSat? How long do we want the CubeSat to remain functional in Space?
- We need more commitment. We should start saying members should be able to give ~5h/week to Orbital work if they want to get something out of it. We can’t give important tasks to people who can’t commit at least that much.
What went right
- We completed a minimally functional CDH system
- We have a core set of experienced members/leads who’ll continue to next comp
What went wrong
- Not many people wanted to work on infrastructure and research tasks (toolchain, CI pipeline, testing, etc.). These are very important as they make development a lot easier.
- Some tickets are vague and open-ended (ex: Design the command manager) which is difficult for a newer member to work on.
- These could be good “epics”. Maybe we could have 1 senior member assigned to each “epic” and they’d break it up into several tickets that newer members could complete?
- Consider switching to a different project management software
- I think Notion or GitHub Projects should be fine, but there could be an argument to use JIRA, Trello, Clickup, etc
- Only 2-3 people would create tickets
- Only 3-4 CDH members/leads would review PRs
- Back in the day, we tried to architect things so that other teams could avoid FreeRTOS. We changed our minds about this pretty much immediately tho.
- Some of our architectural decisions were probably still impacted by our team structure. We should revisit the architecture.
- Lack of integration with other subteams. We had some great integration with Comms near the end of comp, but it all should’ve started much sooner.