What communication protocols does your team intend to use? How many of each protocol?
- Inconclusive for now (probably USB, more speed, more good)
- https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/10975/thesis.pdf?sequence=1
Do you need any GPIO (general purpose input/output) pins?
8 Input & 7 Output pins
- Inputs
- 3 Sun Sensors - Data from sensors
- 3 Magnetometers - Data from sensors
- 1 IMU + 3 Gyroscopes (Generally sold as a single unit)
- CDH - Commands on where to point spacecraft
- Outputs
- 3 Reaction Wheels - Actuate the spacecraft
- 3 Magnetorquers - Actuate the spacecraft
- CDH - Per competition requirements, diagnostics are required of spacecraft health, send data to Comms through CDH

Rough sketch if that helps
Do you have any operating frequency requirements? (ADCS?)
- B-dot → higher frequency, better results
- MEKF → runs every time we take a measurement
- As frequently as possible please and thank you :)
What are your memory requirements? Specifically RAM and storage?
- Storage
- B-dot → 12 kB
- MEKF → 12 kB
- Any other algorithms expected to be in same order of magnitude
- BUT library sizes are large (for MEKF) (lin. alg. library ~ 1.2 MB)
- Need it for Matrices, etc.
- if not enough space, develop our own?
- Approximately 1.3-1.5 MB for storage
- RAM is currently unknown
- Need inputs and ouputs
- Working on running algorithms
- From online and UManitoba, rather than find microcontroller based on RAM, buy as much RAM and fit everything within constraints