Estimated schedule for when boards will be ready for ordered. Developed for PCB manufacturing sponsor RLX Solutions.

Schedule Estimate

UW Orbital Boards Schedule

List of Acronyms

ADCS - Attitude Determination and Control Systems subteam, responsible for orienting the satellite in the correct direction using sensors and actuators such as IMUs, reaction wheels, magnetorquers, etc. Main hardware project involves developing the “flight controller” - interface between OBC and the various sensors and actuators.

CDH - Command and Data Handling subteam, responsible for developing the primary microcontroller software & hardware, as well as the interfaces between the subsystems. OBC is the primary hardware project, essentially an MCU breakout.

Comms - Communications subteam, responsible for developing ground station ↔ CubeSat link, including associated architectures, software, and hardware. Currently developing our own transceiver board, whose architecture is based on an all-in-one SDR IC and an RF frontend chip.

EPS - Electrical Power Systems subteam, responsible for power distribution, generation, and storage (working with solar panels, batteries, and other power management circuitry). Creating our own solar panels (i.e. circuitry to connect the solar cells we buy), and power management boards.

FM - Flight model (i.e. the boards we plan to integrate into the final satellite to send to the competition)