Misc. Docs on camera drivers
This page contains the documentation for the preliminary work the Payload team has done on Camera Drivers. As of the time of writing, we are currently on the demo stage.
Stage 1: Demo
Just get the camera to take a photo - doesn’t need to be pretty or work on flight HW
Stage 2: Integration
Make the demo work on the flight hardware - doesn’t have to be pretty
Stage 3: Flight SW
Take our integration code and make it conformant to all the requirements for CDH Software
Arduino/ArduCAM/examples/mini at master · ArduCAM/Arduino
This is the Github repo for the examples that Arducam provides. Note our model is the OV5642 - it’s sometimes referred to as the 5MP-plus or 5MP in the examples
This is the software definition for the board - It’s very long and not super helpful, so read the example code first.
This is the page for the camera itself - helpful for finding documentation.