There are a few main skills you may want refreshers on when working with Altium, we have linked a few resources here to help you brush up on more specific parts. However, always feel free to consult the longer onboarding video, it will provide a comprehensive tutorial for all things PCB-design related

Official Altium training is also available - ask a lead!

The tutorials are linked below:

Note: Ignore his notes about creating a component library, all components should be placed in the workspace library

A Quick Guide to Component Management with a Workspace Connected to Altium Designer | Altium Designer 22 Technical Documentation

We are hoping to avoid duplicates in our workspace library, if it is already there, please use the one in the library instead of creating a duplicate.

You’ll also get a lot more from schematic reviews, there are specific formatting rules that engineers adhere to to improve readability. This often relates to orientation of ground, labelling of power ports, adding notes where necessary, labelling package size/values/voltage ratings/etc for peripherals, and more. Feel free to look at past boards in the workspace as well.

Schematic Design Rules | Sierra Circuits

Here are some general resources to improve your technique when designing boards

Altium Designer Best Practices (Part 1) - AltiumLive 2022

Altium Designer Best Practices (Part 2) - AltiumLive 2022

These delve into topics deeper than just the schematic guidelines.

It is important to make sure your design rules fit the capabilities of your PCB manufacturer, usually this will be JLCPCB, and the necessary requirements can be found here:

PCB Manufacturing & Assembly Capabilities - JLCPCB

How to Set Up Design Rules in Altium Designer | Sierra Circuits