Who Controls Ham Radio
- ISED controls Canadian rules by the Radiocommunications Act
- Radiocommunications Regulations define the amateur service and other terms
- In other countries, their rules apply
- Cross-country communication: ITU rules are followed (however local rules override ITU)
- Americas are in ITU Region 2
- You are responsible for checking the rules
Who can get a License?
- Anyone with an address in Canada, no age limit
- Valid for life, free (except for examiner test fee - they might be free/ISED exam $20 fee)
- Call signs must be transmitted in English or French
- Basic License: have to get 70%+
- Allowed amateur bands over 30 MHz
- < 30MHz allowed if you get 5wpm+ on morse code
- DC: 250W to anode, transmit: 560W peak SSB, 200W other
- Basic with Honours: have to get 80%+
- Amateur bands below 30MHz allowed
- Advanced
- Can make their own equipment, set up repeaters, get more power
- DC: 1000W to anode, Transmit 2250W peak SSB, 750W other
- Morse: Need to get 5wpm
- Same rights as Basic w/Honours
More on Licenses
- Need to keep the main license at your radio station
- Can operate the license in a car, but you need a pocket license with you when you do so
- You must advise ISED if you change your address
- ISED can request your license within 48h notice
- ISED cannot enter your home without a warrant
General Rules